Edit Component Bishop Joseph and Bishop Raphael Celebrate Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Virgin Mary and St. Marina. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Divine Liturgy Presided by Bishop Joseph at St. Bishoy Monastery with Priests from Namibia and Botswana. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Bishop Joseph Leads Divine Liturgy at St. George Church, Cairo, and Visits Church Nursery. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Bishop Joseph Attends the Revival of Great Martyr Abu Sefein at the Church of the Virgin Mary and Abu Sefein, Qabba. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Bishop Joseph Celebrates Liturgy at Church of the Resurrection, Jerusalem Association, Cairo. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Bishop Joseph Leads Divine Liturgy and Ordination Ceremony at St. George and St. Abu Seifin Church. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Bishop Joseph's Visit to Bishop Tadros in Port Said and Participation in St. George's Church Revival. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Bishop Joseph Addresses Women's Meeting on Mental Health and Participates in Evening Session on Selfhood and Love. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Bishop Joseph Leads Divine Liturgy and Ordains Deacons at Historic Church in Zawaila, Cairo. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title
Edit Component Bishop Joseph Guides Spiritual Day at Mary Land El Shorouk, Addressing Challenges and Service. of type Content Block + Image and Bottom Title